
Event info

Sigga Beinteins Annual Christmas Concerts
Eldborg / Harpa December 8th 2017 at 9 pm
Eldborg / Harpa December 9th 2017 at 9 pm

Come and be charmed at Harpa!

Jólatónleikar Siggu

Sigga’s annual Christmas concerts will be held December 8 and 9 in Eldborg, Harpa.

Sigga is one of Iceland’s most beloved pop singers with a career in music spanning over 30 years. Amongst other things, Sigga has represented Iceland in the European Song Contest on three occasions as a lead singer. At the Christmas concerts, Sigga performs Christmas songs and classical ballads in both Icelandic and English, accompanied by some of the finest musicians and singers in Iceland.

With her lovable character, contagious giggle and relaxed and yet professional stage performance, attending Sigga’s concerts is bound to leave you in a stage of a happy holiday mood, midst in the Christmas craze. The concerts are a mixture of pop, rock and classical songs and ballads, with a very ambitious theatrical stage design, lighting and visual effects. 

Sérstakir gestir / Guests
Regína Ósk
Gissur Páll Gissurarson
Elísabet Ormslev
Páll Rósinkranz

Hljóðfæraleikarar / Band
Benedikt Brynleifsson á trommur / slagverk
Friðrik Karlsson á gítar
Karl Olgeirsson á pianó / hljómborð
Róbert Þórhallsson á bassa
Stefán Örn Gunnlaugsson á hljómborð
Matthías Stefánsson á fiðlu og gítar

Bakraddir / Backing vocals
Alma Rut Kristjánsdóttir, Gísli Magna Sigríðarson og Íris Hólm.

Keep up with Sigga
