
Event info

Myndin fjallar um stríðsglæpamann í felum sem myndar vinskap við þernuna sína sem er hans eina tenging við umheiminn. Yfirvöld nálgast hann óðfluga og þá reynir á traustið milli þeirra. Hógvær saga tveggja ólíkra einstaklinga sem opna sig tilfinningalega fyrir hvort öðru í mjög svo ólíklegum vinskap.

Íslenska leikkonan Hera Hilmars leikur aðalhlutverk myndarinnar ásamt Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, Schindler’s list, Lucky number sleven). Leikstjóri og handritshöfundur myndarinnar, Brad Silberling, er hvað þekktastur fyrir myndirnar City of Angels, Casper, Moonlight Mile, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events ofl.

Hera Hilmars og Brad Silbering verða gestir hátíðarinnar og viðstödd opnununarhátíð ásamt Q&A sýningu á myndinni.


A war criminal in hiding forms a relationship with his only connection to the outside world - his maid. The trust between the two is tested as authorities close in. A humble story of two people opening up to each other and starting an unusual and unlikely friendship.

The Icelandic actress Hera Hilmar plays the lead in the film alongside Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, Schindler’s list, Lucky number sleven).The film’s director and screenwriter, Brad Silbering, is known for films alongside City of Angels, Casper, Moonlight Mile, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Hera Hilmar and Brad Silbering are guests at Stockfish and will attend the opening night and the Q&A screening of the film.

Stockfish Film Festival