

Event info

The Elblag Chamber Orchestra is one of Poland’s youngest ensembles of its kind, founded in October 2007. The Members of the Orchestra are young and talented people, graduates of the best Music Academies in Poland (Gdansk, Warsaw, Katowice), prize winners of solo and chamber music competitions. For all of them music is a great passion and work in the orchestra is an important stage in their creative development and artistic explorations. The artistry of musicians of the Orchestra is a nationally renowned and abroad. A diverse, rich and valuable program, performances by famous soloists and conductors, highly prized qualities of artistic and educational events presented as indisputable enrich the image of Elblag and the region. The repertoire includes works of classical, romantic and contemporary, with special emphasis on Polish music. The versatility of the musicians can also perform concerts outside the area of classical music. The orchestra planned collaboration with artists representing various genres, including Leszek Mozdzer, Motion Trio and String Quartet Atom. The orchestra regularly participates in prestigious Polish and European music events and festivals. Since 2014 Elblag Chamber Orchestra is the organizer of the Festival "Polish Music on Zulawy". The guiding idea of the Festival is to present the places associated with the Tourist Trail of Gothic churches in Zulawy in a kind of dialogue with Polish music.
