
Event info

The writing extends into the whole theatre space, multiplying the voices, the actions, the moments, the imaginations – the things and the beings


The show is a part of Everybody’s Spectacular, an international performance festival in Reykjavík.

You can find more information about the festival at www.spectacular.is


With this new piece Mette continues the process of writing that she has developed in previous works. In the trilogy Black (2011), No Title (2014) and We to be (2015), she explored the possibilities and limits of language and how this extends into real space. The access to imagination took place through language, and the closeness to the audience developed with the writing. With oslo she aims at another way of generating presence and imagination, where not only the performer on stage is central to what is taking place. This time the writing extends into the whole theatre space, multiplying the voices, the actions, the moments, the imaginations – the things and the beings.


Further information: http://www.spectacular.is/mette-edvardsen